
Electronic Music from the Aether

(((( THEREMIN : Rom Chiaki ))))

I give live solo concerts every month especially in Tokyo in highly unusual combinations including instruments such as guitar, drums, tuba and didjeridu and Jew's harp. I use an effecter to create a wide variety of tone colors.I play an active and wide-ranging role in spreading awareness of the theremin through appearances in events of all kinds, on TV and at demonstrations given at musical instrument festivals, as well as through contributions to magazines, etc.

Visit Site: (((( THEREMIN : Rom Chiaki ))))

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Theremin Times
Theremin Times - First Russian portal about theremin News. Audio. Video. History. Thereminists....

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The Sage Gateshead, UK
Hi We're hoping to present a festival of Percy Grainger's work at The Sage Gateshead in the UK,...

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January 2011, quartets, sextets, trios, etc.
Rupert Chappelle plays the theremin multi-tracked with the Zoom R-16....

By rupertchappelle, Feb 2

theremin scores
on www.etheremin.com, i've created a new webpage dedicated to unpublished theremin scores. Some...

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